
Monday, August 9, 2021

Elena Gorolova - UN Article Reflection

Elena Gorolova

I chose the Article “Real Life Story Of Elena Gorolova", This Article was about her experiences of racism against Romani people, by them unknowingly being sterilized, this is when their Fallopian tubes had been severed therefore meaning they can't have any more children, Because the surgery is irreversible, this is only because others don't like Romani people. This Process happens right after Elena Gorolova had her second child, she was only 21 years old when a hospital in Ostrava in 1990 sterilized her unknowingly. I chose this article because not only do I think it's wrong in many many different ways, it's not very known that this has happened to not only her but over 80 other women who are Romani, and the only reason it happens was that people there “just don't like Roma people''.

The Person who this article is mainly about is Elena Gorolova, She is a Roma woman who has faced

discrimination first hand when she was told by the nurse "The nurse told me that previously the

method had been to tie the tubes, but that some women had become pregnant despite this,"

she said. "They didn’t want any more Roma children to be born... I have experienced discrimination

since I was a child... they just don’t like the Roma people." This is just showing that the only reason it happened was that she's Romani and if she wasn't Romani none of it would have happened

therefore there's discrimination against them but there's no reason behind it apart from that they just don't like them. 

She had always dreamed of having a baby Girl but the chances of this happening now are 0/100

all because 1 hospital sterilized her, therefore, making it so she can't have any more kids.

She is not the only one who has been thrown this though, many many more Romani women have

all because the other people just don't like them. Elena Gorolova is now (due to her experience)

a Human Rights defender She also works as a social worker in Ostrava and is of Roma origins,

Elena Gorolova was born in 1969 and was only 21 when she was sterilized. In the year 2005,

She was ONE of the 87 Czech Women complaining of being forcibly sterilized. 

This story is So important to read because it's something that happened more recently and

a lot of people have been affected just because of their culture, due to this people have had

arguments with their partners and in some cases caused a divorce, all because someone didn't

like them.

The Article you can access via this link:

Doctors sterilised us because we're RomaElena Gorolová on forced sterilizations: We seek compensation, nobody will  ever restore our motherhood -

1 comment:

  1. Terrific mahi, Emily. I like how your personal voice on this issue shines through. I agree; it is shocking how recently this happened, and I never knew about it either until I read the article.

    I like how you used a Preposition start sentence. Did you include an Adverb start sentence? Varying the beginnings of your sentences will make your writing even better. Sometimes you use a comma where you should use a full stop, so just be aware of this for next time.

    Well done on this reflection. Ka rawe!! :)


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